The Essentials of Residency, Citizenship, and Tax.

Residency is the act of staying in a given place. This place may be a village, town, a city or even a country. It is hard for a major city or a country be occupied only by the natives. There are certain factors that influence the residency. Citizenship on the other hand is the state of being a citizen of a given country. A citizen is a legally recognized member of a state

Citizenship can be acquired through a number of ways. One of the ways of acquiring the citizenship of a place is through birth. One can also become a citizen of a country following an adoption. Naturalization is another way that can be used to acquire citizenship. This is simply requesting the country to award you with citizenship. The last way that you can acquire the citizenship of a place is through international treaties. Nowadays, this is quite rare. Some countries allow their citizens to become citizens of other countries at the same time.

Moving from one place to another may be influenced by a number of factors. The same way they move from one country to another. There are several reasons why one might decide to live in a given area. The availability of employment opportunities is one of the factors that affect residency. Among the reasons why people prefer staying in a particular area, this is one of the major reasons. In relation to this, a job transfer can make you shift your residence from one place to another.

Further studies is another factor that influences where a person lives. A person might be forced to live in a foreign country in pursuit of knowledge. For example there are very many students from around the world that end up staying in the United States after completing their studies. Some of these students use the way of naturalization to become citizens of the United states of America. War and insecurity can make a person run away and become a resident of another place. One can become a resident of another place because of fleeing to another area due to security reasons. The major factors affecting residency are work, education, and insecurity.

The money paid to the government is what is referred to as a tax. This money is usually not for the acquisition of goods and services. All the citizens of a country are subjected to pay the taxes. The working noncitizens also are supposed to pay special taxes to the government. The tax paid by the citizens is different from that paid to the other residents. These are some of the privileges that the citizens of a country enjoy. The collected money is used by the government for governance. The money collected as a tax is used by the government in the provision of services.

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