Choosing a Pest Control Company

You’ve recently moved into neighborhood, only to find out that the home you bought is crawling with pests – of all kinds. You’re not a specialist on your new property, neither are you friends with the neighbours yet. Your best option is to look for a quality pest control company such as Go-Forth Pest Control of Winston-Salem.

Here are tips to help you in your search:


Never ever assume that all services you call on are licensed or insured in the specific state you live in. You don’t want to be responsible if any of the exterminator injures himself while performing work on your property. Call their references or ask your neighbors for referrals of insured pest control services. Go-Forth Pest Control of Winston-Salem is a pest control company that is licensed in North Carolina and adequately insured for your protection.


Visit your prospect’s website and read online reviews. Consumers like to talk about both their positive and negative experiences with the services they hire. Just stick to reputable consumer websites because some reviews may actually be manufactured.

Products Used

As you call a pest control service like Go-Forth Pest Control of Winston-Salem, inquire about the pesticides and other products they use. Remember, one-size-fits-all policy does not fit into the world of pest control – at least, if you’re talking about good service. Different pests require different products to eliminate them. Look for a service that uses a unique approach to each type of infestation.


When you talk about service providers, cheaper is not always the same as better. However, a good pest control service is always willing to work with you on your budget, long as it’s reasonable. Just give them a clear picture of your expectations and do your best to meet halfway.

Regular Reporting

Extensive exterminations such as tent fumigation require for consistent reporting. Ask your prospective pest control company if they usually keep customers updated on the status of their extermination projects, especially if you are on a busy schedule. Ask them when they expect the process to be completed and when your household can return to its regular routine.


Professionalism is essential in any industry, and that includes pest control. How do you find the employees at the service you’re considering? How responsive are they to your needs? Are they friendly and polite? Are they in proper uniform when they go to work? Are their pesticides and other products properly labeled? These questions may seem trivial, they can help you get a picture of the company’s professionalism. Go-Forth Pest Control of Winston-Salem is a pest control company that is well-known for professionalism.

Infestation Management

Lastly, how do they manage returning infestations? An experienced pest control service knows that infestation can always recur. But you should only agree to sign on a service that promises they will return as soon as another possible infestation is suspected. Reputable services like Go-Forth Pest Control of Winston-Salem usually agree to visit homes that they have serviced on a quarterly or monthly basis.
