How to Identify and Get Rid of Pests in Your Home

Once pests invade your home they turn your life upside down.They make it uncomfortable to live in, unhealthy and even unsafe. Insects and rodents are the major pests types present in homes.There are different ways to know that you have a pest menace in your home . After identification ask yourself where can I find a pest exterminator near me in Gastonia NC?
The following tips will help you learn more on their identification signs.

o Excreta
Rodents excreta is easy to identify for they are dark and look moist when fresh and grey when dry. These droppings can be easily found near or in their feeding area like cupboards or nesting area. Once these droppings are present do not hesitate to call a pest exterminator near me in Gastonia NC to help in getting rid of them.

o Gnawing noises and marks in the house
Mice and rats love chewing on soft fabrics or even furniture. Their teeth leave visible marks of chewing.

Rats have big teeth hence can chew bigger pieces than mice thus leaving bigger gnaw marks when compared to mice. Fresh marks will be lighter than older marks thus helping you identify when the damage was caused. Look for professional exterminators near me in Gastonia NC to get them off your property.

o A foul Smell coming from an area
The bad smell odor from rodents nest is usually urine.This smell will surely destabilize the house fresh environment leading to a smelly room.If you happen to track the smell and find a missing toy, item, or food droppings be sure there this pest have been to the place.

Once this indicators are visible be sure your home has got unwanted visitors.If you identify this call a pest exterminator near me in Gastonia NC.

Insects are the other type of pest present in homes. Bedbugs, mosquitoes and fleas are some of the insects that affect us. They are visible since they source their food directly from our bodies.

o You can see them
They naturally move around and feed on humans in areas that are easily visible like hands or even foreheads.

o Symptoms
They are known to leave traces of their presence.You can have red markings on your body, develop a skin condition or even fall ill. Insects like cockroaches contaminate food and can cause digestive problems. They tamper with food some even die on them like you find a fly in a cup of water you had left on the sink.

They are not easily seen during the day or in the presence of light but when it is dark or at night.

Find pest exterminators near me in Gastonia NC to ensure that they help you eliminate them.
