How to Eradicate Pests at Home with Natural and Safe procedures

One of the worst experiences that you may experience when you held a party inside your home is the fact that there might be cockroaches or fleas that will appear in your dining area. The fastest ways to get rid of these pests is simply spraying them with pesticides but doing so will actually cause harm to your health and your family’s health due to the chemical content of the pesticides. You cannot deny the fact that this is actually an alarming scenario that is why people are already looking for alternative means to control pests the natural way.

It is a fact that during summer time, ants are just rampant. You can see them on your tables, cabinets, and just anywhere in your home. For you to prevent their widespread, you need to find out where they came from or their entrance. The moment you find the area of entry, you need to create a barrier immediately by simply spreading citrus oil, cayenne peppers or coffee grounds surrounding the spot. The reason is that ants will not be able to pass through these items. But if they are already in your home, your other option to prevent them from spreading is to place garlic cloves, spearmint leaves o cucumber peels on the areas where they are found. The need to place these items is due to the fact that they are ants repellant. After you have isolated the inside of your home, it will be difficult to focus on the outdoor infestation. To manage the outdoor, you need to sprinkle cornmeal on the mouth of the ant hill so that this will attract the ants and share it immediately to their colony but the thing is ants cannot digest cornmeal and so they will die after a week or so.

Another pest that can be found in your home and considered to be a repulsive pest is the cockroach and this pest should also have natural pest control remedy. One way to repel cockroaches is by placing a catnip to the area where you find cockroaches most frequently. To kill a population of these cockroaches, all you need to do is have a piece of bread soaked in beer and once it is soaked, place it where the cockroaches can reach it and once they eat it, they will die because they are unable to digest beer. Soapy water can also kill cockroaches so you need to have it at all times and then spray directly to the cockroach since they will die in minutes because their exoskeleton is broken down.

You can also apply natural pest control with mosquitoes. To prevent mosquitoes, remove their preferred habitat such as standing water in yards or in a basin. If you want to go outside, you can actually repel mosquitoes by rubbing a solution to your skin that has at least thirty percent eucalyptus content.
